Dear Conservative,
It was hard to watch this year’s State of the Union address. Over the past five years, I've learned many things from watching Barack Hussein Obama, especially that the majority of the things he says are flat-out lies!
Yet, during the State of the Union, President Obama said something that absolutely made my blood boil... Obama said that 2014 would be his “Year of Action” and that he was not afraid to side-step Congress with executive actions if necessary.
In 1801, Thomas Jefferson chose to deliver his State of the Union address in writing because he refused to deliver a monarchic "speech from a throne." This tradition would remain intact until Woodrow Wilson reverted to the practice of personally addressing Congress in 1913. For 112 years, U.S. Presidents feared that speaking before congress alone could be perceived as a sort-of monarchic, Presidential overreach...
I am just thankful that Thomas Jefferson and the other Founders were not around to see King Obama chastising Congress yesterday. Never in my life have I watched a President express such contempt and disdain for our country's Constitutional processes!
STOP King Obama from ruling by Executive fiat! Tell Congress the White House is no place for a Dictator!Every time Obama speaks, he sounds like he is still on the campaign trail. With his crafted rhetoric, the President is usually able to convince audiences of his policy proposals. I have just one question though: If 2014 is to be a "year of action," what should we call the last years?
This was the fifth time that Barack H. Obama stood before Congress and the American people to outline his vision for the country, and for the first two years of his Presidency, Obama could have passed any bill he wanted. For two whole years, the Democrats controlled the White House and both chambers of Congress. The fact is that Barack Obama squandered his first years in office. His hubris convinced him that he would have all the time in the world to pass his socialist agenda. Remember... He was the "chosen one," after all!
Yet, the American people threw Obama a curve ball by putting Republicans in charge of the House of Representatives and making the President a lame duck just two years into his first term in office.
The President is just as disillusioned as the career-voters who put him in office in the first place. Obama actually believes that receiving 51.01% of the popular vote constitutes a "mandate" and is warrants turning the Presidency into dictatorship. What Obama hasn’t quite gotten into his head is that no amount of popularity is enough to side-step the Constitution!
Before the speech, the White House announced that from hence forth, the minimum wage for new Federal contract workers would be raised to $10.10. While this certainly shows Obama’s defiance and refusal to work with Congress, the executive order just applies to around 560,000 federal contract workers (mostly in the food service industry), and it will only go into effect once their contracts are up for renewal.
If a minimum wage hike is approved by Congress, it would certainly be devastating to the U.S. economy. However, Barack Obama doesn’t have the power to enact this on his own and his executive order is more for-show than anything else…
No, you should be much more worried about what Obama has planned for his Year of Unconstitutional Action!
Obama said during his State of the Union address that he will violate the constitution to enact more gun control, illegal immigration, environmental regulations, and higher taxes WITHOUT Congressional approval. He has shown you the roadmap for his year of action, and he is daring you to try and stop him!
STOP King Obama from ruling by Executive fiat! Tell Congress the White House is no place for a Dictator!Watching President Obama divulge his plan to ruin the country through dictatorial executive actions was absolutely infuriating, however is was also painful to watch the GOP just sit there and applaud while Obama chastised Conservatism. If you had any doubt that Congressional Republicans were completely spineless, watching them stand and clap for this Socialist President should be all the evidence you need!
Congressional Republicans actually gave the President standing ovations for his Socialist, Progressive policies and they cheered him after he vilified Conservatism!
Unfortunately, Congress doesn’t seem to be smart enough to recognize Obama’s flagrant constitutional violations for what they are. Obama stood before Congress and the American people and he promised to turn the Presidency into an Autocracy. You know what your Representatives did? They applauded. They cheered the destruction of our Constitutional Republic and the dissolution of Congressional power!
You would think that after five years, Members of Congress would recognize tyranny when they saw it. However, it’s clear that Congressional Republicans wouldn’t recognize Obama’s tyranny even if it smacked them in the face!
Congress seems more than happy to allow the President to violate the Constitution, but are you?
STOP King Obama from ruling by Executive fiat! Tell Congress the White House is no place for a Dictator!The great eighteenth century philosopher, Montesquieu, famously wrote that "there can be no liberty where the legislative and executive powers are united in the same person.” Obama’s decision to side-step Congress and spit on the Constitution is a brazen violation of your liberty!
We cannot afford to sit on the sidelines while Barack Obama openly defiles the Constitution and transforms the Presidency into a tyrannical Autocracy!
Every American citizen has an obligation to stand up and stop this President’s agenda. Every single voice matters and it will take all of our collective outrage to give Congress the backbone necessary to reject Obama’s abuse of power!
I am asking you to do two things:
First and foremost, let your voice be heard and tell Congress that Barack Hussein Obama’s despotic rule and continued assault on your liberty is UNACCEPTABLE!The only way to stop the President’s tyrannical “year of action” is to get loud and force Congress to defend our Constitutional Republic.
Secondly, please forward this to 10 of your friends. The only way to stop Obama from destroying our Republic is to ensure that ALL likeminded Conservative Americans join our cause and let their voices be heard!
Together we can take back this country and ensure that Obama spends the remainder of his term as a lame-duck President. In order to accomplish this, we need to stand together now because if Obama is allowed to rule by executive order, sooner or later there won’t be a Constitutional Republic left to defend!
STOP King Obama from ruling by Executive fiat! Tell Congress the White House is no place for a Dictator!Sincerely,
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily
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