Monday, February 17, 2014

2016 D'Souza.

You Can’t Summon the Devil and Expect Him to Play Nice: Obama’s descent into tyranny is 

no accident.

Dinesh D'Souza
Conservative author, filmmaker, and latest Obama Administration Enemy of the State, Dinesh D’Souza participated in a debate Thursday night at Dartmouth University. D’Souza’s opponent was notorious Marxist radical and 1970’s Weather Underground terrorist William Ayers. Ayers, now a retired professor of elementary education at the University of Illinois, Chicago, is a close friend and former colleague of President Obama. The topic of the debate was “What’s So Great About America?” It’s not hard to figure out who took the pro-American side and who didn’t.
After listening to the debate, which D’Souza dominated masterfully, I was struck not so much by Ayer’s unintelligence and lack of a coherent argument, but by how enthusiastically he was received by Dartmouth faculty and students in the audience. How far has our culture fallen when an avowed Communist and failed mass murderer who once advocated genocide against Americans who resist his movement’s attempt to overthrow the government is warmly welcomed?
There isn’t a dimes worth of difference between Communism and Nazism – both ideologies are revolutionary Marxist in origin, genocidal in practice, and antithetical to the values of civilized Western society. Ayer’s continued defense of Leftist totalitarianism epitomizes the very worst in anti-democratic, anti-human rights thinking. Like former Nazis, he and other Communist sympathizers deserve scorn, not applause.
D’Souza was recently indicted by the Obama Justice Department on charges of violating federal election laws. Many of his supporters as well as numerous conservative commentators suspect the indictment is retaliation for D’Souza’s vocal criticism of Obama and for his critically acclaimed and popular documentary “2016: Obama’s America”. D’Souza is only the latest to be singled out for daring to speak against the president or go against the administration’s preferred narrative.
Obama’s thuggish tactics against his political opponents reeks of Stalinism, yet the press, with few exceptions, remains silent about this blatantly un-American treatment. Worse, many in the press not only approve of it, they cheer lead for the president to do more. Consider this past Tuesday’s State of the Union Address. Outside of the Conservative press and blogosphere, few in the mainstream press raised an eyebrow as the worst president in American history declared Congress irrelevant and proclaimed himself emperor.
It’s not hard to see where he gets his inspiration. Some argue that President Obama’s turn toward authoritarianism is due to his lack of executive and legislative experience. Others say it’s because of his extreme narcissism and overinflated ego. These are probably both true to some degree, but I argue that his negative personality traits are inflamed even more by his anti-democratic worldview. Progressivism is at its core a totalitarian concept and the President is a true believer. When you appoint a man as fundamentally flawed as Barack Obama to lead the movement, fundamental transformation by tyranny is not a surprise.
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