Saturday, February 22, 2014

Fema Camps are they real?

FEMA Camps: City to Exile the Homeless; It’s not a Conspiracy Theory Anymore

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Brandon WalkerPrison
November 5, 2013

Under the radar from the prying eyes of the public, South Carolina made it legal to get rid of their homeless problem. The people were given a choice, FEMA Camps or jail. The irony of it all was this happened right at the 50th Anniversary of Civil Liberties in August. The bad part is different cities from Boston to New York are shipping off their homeless, and no one cares. Is this coming to a town near you?
In August the city of Colombia, South Carolina, had a problem. A festival honoring the 50th Anniversary of the Civil Rights Movement was coming to town.  They couldn’t be seen with all the homeless when guests arrived from all parts of the United States. So the city council held a vote and made homelessness a crime.
The Columbia City Council unanimously approved the plan, creating special police patrols that would enforce “quality of life” laws involving loitering, public urination and other crimes not necessarily restricted to the homeless population. Those officers would then offer the homeless a choice: Go to jail for their homelessness or be shuffled to a 240-bed, 24-hour shelter on the outskirts of town, which they wouldn’t be allowed to easily leave.
That second option isn’t jail, mind you, because the homeless are being confined with the help of a local charitable organization. It’s charitable incarceration, you see. The homeless can leave, but they need to set up an appointment and be shuttled by a van.”~Microsoft Media Net Money
Despite some news from the Main Stream Media, and Glenn Beck, it looks like the city went out of their way to begin staffing the 240 bed, 24 hour, razor wire topped FEMA camp that was supposed to be used in case of a disaster according to FEMA. Remember, these areas do not exist according to the news media. However the FEMA site has the plans and the implementations of them. FEMA has even built them for cities such as Galeston, Houston, New York, Boston, New Orleans, and even Colombia.  Strange for areas that don’t exist.
South Carolina went through with the plans and they even caught the attention of the ACLU. In order for the homeless to “qualify” for the “temporary shelter” they would have to be one of the first 240 homeless to apply and wouldn’t be able to leave except by shuttle.  They even went out of their way to remove some of the benches around the town so the homeless didn’t get comfortable and a hot line to call if you spotted homeless people for the residents.
But this is not the only area making it a crime for being homeless. It turns out that since 2011, the city of Boston is moving its homeless out of the city into what they call HOME Base near Salem away from the city. People in Southern California were getting concerned from homeless disappearing off the streets.

Most of the homeless in places like Sacramento are taken and driven out of town in tent cities of their own. They have made it a crime to be homeless and round them up and move them there. They are guarded and people have hotlines to call if they spot a homeless person. They ship them out and place them in these camps. They are not permitted to leave and they are not permitted to wander the streets of the bigger cities without a permit. If that is not a determent camp, I don’t know what is.
They are moving to make it a crime to be homeless in Miami as well. Where are they putting the people from these “round ups”?

The city of Columbia was quick to recant their law at the end of September, but there are several other cities and states that still have not. There are several individuals that have warned over the years to people that this would happen. If we do not find humanity in our hearts when does the the madness stop.
This is almost like the 1940′s rounding up of the undesirables happening right before our very eyes. The only thing different is that this is the United States and not Germany.
Now we have the the cutting of EBT and Food Banks by $5 Billion,   Unemployment  continuing to sky rocket, and over 3.5 million homeless with the numbers growing daily. We have 18.5 million vacation homes and homes in Detroit being sold for a dollar, but we can’t find places to house people other then FEMA camps? I think we all know what happens from here if we continue to let it.
When the people of bigger cities wake up to find that all the homeless have disappeared over night, you actually know where they are. The question is, are you next?

Monday, February 17, 2014

2016 D'Souza.

You Can’t Summon the Devil and Expect Him to Play Nice: Obama’s descent into tyranny is 

no accident.

Dinesh D'Souza
Conservative author, filmmaker, and latest Obama Administration Enemy of the State, Dinesh D’Souza participated in a debate Thursday night at Dartmouth University. D’Souza’s opponent was notorious Marxist radical and 1970’s Weather Underground terrorist William Ayers. Ayers, now a retired professor of elementary education at the University of Illinois, Chicago, is a close friend and former colleague of President Obama. The topic of the debate was “What’s So Great About America?” It’s not hard to figure out who took the pro-American side and who didn’t.
After listening to the debate, which D’Souza dominated masterfully, I was struck not so much by Ayer’s unintelligence and lack of a coherent argument, but by how enthusiastically he was received by Dartmouth faculty and students in the audience. How far has our culture fallen when an avowed Communist and failed mass murderer who once advocated genocide against Americans who resist his movement’s attempt to overthrow the government is warmly welcomed?
There isn’t a dimes worth of difference between Communism and Nazism – both ideologies are revolutionary Marxist in origin, genocidal in practice, and antithetical to the values of civilized Western society. Ayer’s continued defense of Leftist totalitarianism epitomizes the very worst in anti-democratic, anti-human rights thinking. Like former Nazis, he and other Communist sympathizers deserve scorn, not applause.
D’Souza was recently indicted by the Obama Justice Department on charges of violating federal election laws. Many of his supporters as well as numerous conservative commentators suspect the indictment is retaliation for D’Souza’s vocal criticism of Obama and for his critically acclaimed and popular documentary “2016: Obama’s America”. D’Souza is only the latest to be singled out for daring to speak against the president or go against the administration’s preferred narrative.
Obama’s thuggish tactics against his political opponents reeks of Stalinism, yet the press, with few exceptions, remains silent about this blatantly un-American treatment. Worse, many in the press not only approve of it, they cheer lead for the president to do more. Consider this past Tuesday’s State of the Union Address. Outside of the Conservative press and blogosphere, few in the mainstream press raised an eyebrow as the worst president in American history declared Congress irrelevant and proclaimed himself emperor.
It’s not hard to see where he gets his inspiration. Some argue that President Obama’s turn toward authoritarianism is due to his lack of executive and legislative experience. Others say it’s because of his extreme narcissism and overinflated ego. These are probably both true to some degree, but I argue that his negative personality traits are inflamed even more by his anti-democratic worldview. Progressivism is at its core a totalitarian concept and the President is a true believer. When you appoint a man as fundamentally flawed as Barack Obama to lead the movement, fundamental transformation by tyranny is not a surprise.
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Thursday, February 13, 2014

What debt?

Congress Is Giving Obama a Blank Check

Remember all those debt limit fights? Well, apparently Congress got tired of fighting. So now they’re working toward doing away with the debt limit altogether.
In recent years, conservatives fought to get at least some spending cuts, to begin putting the budget on a path to balance—after all, raising the debt ceiling means Congress has spent too much. Cutting spending before increasing the debt limit is necessary if Congress is to exercise some control over the debt.
But not this year. No one put up a fight this time—so Congress is essentially handing President Obama a blank check for the entire year.
“With almost $17.3 trillion in national debt, failing to put a debt limit in place to protect taxpayers from even more reckless spending by Congress is beyond irresponsible,” Heritage’s Romina Boccia, the Grover M. Hermann Fellow, told The Foundry.
That’s $140,000 per household, by the way.
How does this work? And what does this mean for the nation? Watch and share our new video, where Boccia explains in one minute.
Read the Morning Bell and more en español every day at Heritage Libertad.
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Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Only in America!

Appeared July 17, 2013 on the website for Voice of Americas Families Front  Page News
This is: Canada’s Top Ten List of America’s Stupidity. We do look like idiots. We do act a wee-bit strange at times.

10) Only in America ... could politicians talk about the greed of the rich at a $35,000.00 a plate campaign fund-raising event.

9) Only in America ... could people claim that the government still discriminates against black Americans when they have a black President, a black Attorney General and roughly 20% of the federal workforce is black while only 14% of the population is black. 40 % of all federal entitlements go to black Americans.  3X the rate that go to whites, 5X the rate that go to Hispanics, ?X the rate that go to others!

8) Only in America ... could they have had the two people most responsible for our tax code, Timothy Geithner (the head of the Treasury Department) and Charles Rangel (who once ran the Ways and Means Committee), BOTH turn out to be tax cheats who are in favor of higher taxes.

7) Only in America ... can they have terrorists kill people in the name of Allah and have the media primarily react by fretting that Muslims might be harmed by the backlash.

6) Only in America ... would they make people who want to legally become American citizens wait for years in their home countries and pay tens of thousands of dollars for the privilege, while they discuss letting anyone who sneaks into the country illegally just 'magically' become American citizens.

5) Only in America ... could the people who believe in balancing the budget and sticking by the country's Constitution be thought of as "extremists."

4) Only in America ... could you need to present a driver's license to cash a check or buy alcohol, but not to vote.
3) Only in America ... could people demand the government investigate whether oil companies are gouging the public, because the price of gas went up, when the return on equity invested in a major U.S. oil company (Marathon Oil) is less than half of a company making tennis shoes (Nike).

2) Only in America ... could the government collect more tax dollars from the people than any nation in recorded history, still spend a Trillion dollars more than it has per year - for total spending of $7-Million PER MINUTE, and complain that it doesn't have nearly enough money.

1) Only in America ... could the rich people - who pay 86% of all income taxes - be accused of not paying their "fair share" by people who don't pay any income taxes at all.
Yes we have been the mixing bowl of the world, but we must stop the insanity of Affirmative Action and other "kick America in the shins tactics."  It's time to terminate the benefits of Black Americans, Hispanic Americans, Muslim Americans, and Whatever Americans and return our vocabulary to "Americans." It is notsmart to bankrupt a working system by building multi-cultures within our society when those multi-cultures want to dominate, by force in some cases, all the other cultures.

Monday, February 10, 2014

The Constitution.

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DailySanity Newsletter from

King Obama Admits Plan to Violate Constitution

Dear Conservative,

It was hard to watch this year’s State of the Union address. Over the past five years, I've learned many things from watching Barack Hussein Obama, especially that the majority of the things he says are flat-out lies!

Yet, during the State of the Union, President Obama said something that absolutely made my blood boil... Obama said that 2014 would be his “Year of Action” and that he was not afraid to side-step Congress with executive actions if necessary.

In 1801, Thomas Jefferson chose to deliver his State of the Union address in writing because he refused to deliver a monarchic "speech from a throne." This tradition would remain intact until Woodrow Wilson reverted to the practice of personally addressing Congress in 1913. For 112 years, U.S. Presidents feared that speaking before congress alone could be perceived as a sort-of monarchic, Presidential overreach...

I am just thankful that Thomas Jefferson and the other Founders were not around to see King Obama chastising Congress yesterday. Never in my life have I watched a President express such contempt and disdain for our country's Constitutional processes!

STOP King Obama from ruling by Executive fiat! Tell Congress the White House is no place for a Dictator!

Every time Obama speaks, he sounds like he is still on the campaign trail. With his crafted rhetoric, the President is usually able to convince audiences of his policy proposals. I have just one question though: If 2014 is to be a "year of action," what should we call the last years?

This was the fifth time that Barack H. Obama stood before Congress and the American people to outline his vision for the country, and for the first two years of his Presidency, Obama could have passed any bill he wanted. For two whole years, the Democrats controlled the White House and both chambers of Congress. The fact is that Barack Obama squandered his first years in office. His hubris convinced him that he would have all the time in the world to pass his socialist agenda. Remember... He was the "chosen one," after all!

Yet, the American people threw Obama a curve ball by putting Republicans in charge of the House of Representatives and making the President a lame duck just two years into his first term in office.

The President is just as disillusioned as the career-voters who put him in office in the first place. Obama actually believes that receiving 51.01% of the popular vote constitutes a "mandate" and is warrants turning the Presidency into dictatorship. What Obama hasn’t quite gotten into his head is that no amount of popularity is enough to side-step the Constitution!
Before the speech, the White House announced that from hence forth, the minimum wage for new Federal contract workers would be raised to $10.10. While this certainly shows Obama’s defiance and refusal to work with Congress, the executive order just applies to around 560,000 federal contract workers (mostly in the food service industry), and it will only go into effect once their contracts are up for renewal.
If a minimum wage hike is approved by Congress, it would certainly be devastating to the U.S. economy. However, Barack Obama doesn’t have the power to enact this on his own and his executive order is more for-show than anything else…
No, you should be much more worried about what Obama has planned for his Year of Unconstitutional Action!
Obama said during his State of the Union address that he will violate the constitution to enact more gun control, illegal immigration, environmental regulations, and higher taxes WITHOUT Congressional approval. He has shown you the roadmap for his year of action, and he is daring you to try and stop him!
STOP King Obama from ruling by Executive fiat! Tell Congress the White House is no place for a Dictator!
Watching President Obama divulge his plan to ruin the country through dictatorial executive actions was absolutely infuriating, however is was also painful to watch the GOP just sit there and applaud while Obama chastised Conservatism. If you had any doubt that Congressional Republicans were completely spineless, watching them stand and clap for this Socialist President should be all the evidence you need!
Congressional Republicans actually gave the President standing ovations for his Socialist, Progressive policies and they cheered him after he vilified Conservatism!
Unfortunately, Congress doesn’t seem to be smart enough to recognize Obama’s flagrant constitutional violations for what they are. Obama stood before Congress and the American people and he promised to turn the Presidency into an Autocracy. You know what your Representatives did? They applauded. They cheered the destruction of our Constitutional Republic and the dissolution of Congressional power!
You would think that after five years, Members of Congress would recognize tyranny when they saw it. However, it’s clear that Congressional Republicans wouldn’t recognize Obama’s tyranny even if it smacked them in the face!
Congress seems more than happy to allow the President to violate the Constitution, but are you?
STOP King Obama from ruling by Executive fiat! Tell Congress the White House is no place for a Dictator!
The great eighteenth century philosopher, Montesquieu, famously wrote that "there can be no liberty where the legislative and executive powers are united in the same person.” Obama’s decision to side-step Congress and spit on the Constitution is a brazen violation of your liberty!
We cannot afford to sit on the sidelines while Barack Obama openly defiles the Constitution and transforms the Presidency into a tyrannical Autocracy!
Every American citizen has an obligation to stand up and stop this President’s agenda. Every single voice matters and it will take all of our collective outrage to give Congress the backbone necessary to reject Obama’s abuse of power!
I am asking you to do two things:
First and foremost, let your voice be heard and tell Congress that Barack Hussein Obama’s despotic rule and continued assault on your liberty is UNACCEPTABLE!
The only way to stop the President’s tyrannical “year of action” is to get loud and force Congress to defend our Constitutional Republic.
Secondly, please forward this to 10 of your friends. The only way to stop Obama from destroying our Republic is to ensure that ALL likeminded Conservative Americans join our cause and let their voices be heard!
Together we can take back this country and ensure that Obama spends the remainder of his term as a lame-duck President. In order to accomplish this, we need to stand together now because if Obama is allowed to rule by executive order, sooner or later there won’t be a Constitutional Republic left to defend!
STOP King Obama from ruling by Executive fiat! Tell Congress the White House is no place for a Dictator!
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily

Tell Your Friends!
Make sure your friends read this too...we need every voice we can get to change the status quo in Washington! Forward this to a friend » 
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Tuesday, February 4, 2014

When does he stop?

Monday, January 27, 2014

Indictment Of Obama Critic Dinesh D’Souza Is A Warning For All Conservatives

Janna Brock - “2016: Obama’s America” was one of the most talked about movies of the summer in 2012. Directed by Dinesh D’Souza, an outspoken critic of President Obama, it explored the fundamental idea, “If Barack Obama wins a second term, where will we be in 2016?” Dinesh D’Souza probably never imagined that he would be indicted by a grand jury for giving “too much money” to a U.S. Senate candidate in 2012. In what amounts to nothing but trumped up charges, it stands to reason that this is direct targeting by the Obama Administration. Conservatives from all across the country, in any arena, need to heed the warning that Obama is after them. No one is safe.

Dinesh D’Souza is a well known author as well, having written the books Illiberal EducationWhat’s So Great About AmericaThe End of Racism, and The Roots of Obama’s Ragewhich “2016: Obama’s America” was based on, andmany others. So it is no coincidence that the Obama Administration, using every available weapon at their disposal, would single out D’Souza. He had a bulls-eye on his back. All conservative Americans do. If the DOJ can indictDinesh D’Souza for campaign finance “violations,” no one is safe.
Conservative filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza, whose documentary 2016: Obama’s America took a critical look at President Barack Obama and was a surprise hit in 2012, will be arrested in New York on Friday for allegedly violating campaign-finance laws, The Hollywood Reporter has learned.
Federal authorities accuse D’Souza of donating more than is legal to the campaign of Wendy Long, who ran in 2012 for the U.S. Senate seat vacated by Hillary Clinton but lost to now-Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand. Long, though, is not mentioned in an indictment obtained by THR on Thursday.
Insiders say D’Souza has been friends with Long since they attended Dartmouth College together in the early 1980s. According to the indictment, D’Souza donated $20,000 to Long’s campaign by aggregating the money from various people and falsely reporting the source of the funds. But Gerald Molen, a co-producer of 2016, says the charge is politically motivated.
“In America, we have a long tradition of not doing what is commonly done in too many other countries — criminalizing dissent through the selective enforcement of the law,” Molen tells THR.

D’Souza is accused of donating $20,000 to candidate Wendy Long, who was challenging Democratic Senator Kirsten Gillibrand. Gillibrand beat Long by 44 percentage points. Long never stood a chance against Gillibrand, and her name was never mentioned in the indictment against D’Souza. The Daily Caller reports “that indictment claims that D’Souza, 52, deceptively used straw donors to donate the funds, and misreported the source of the campaign cash.”
Long only raised $785,000 total for her campaign against Gillibrand. To accuse D’Souza of deceptively using straw donors to donate funds and misreport campaign cash for a candidate that lost by almost 50 percentage points is ludicrous. This is political targeting. Obama’s DOJ had their eyes on D’Souza and decided to take him out. This was a choreographed hit.
In 2012, federal law “limited primary and general election campaign contributions to $2,500 each, for a total of $5,000, from any individual to any one candidate.”
Preet Bharara, an Obama appointee who is the U.S. Attorney for Manhattan, said, “As we have long said, this Office and the FBI take a zero tolerance approach to corruption of the electoral process.”
The Obama Administration says they have a “zero tolerance” approach to corruption of the electoral process is akin to Islamists saying they have a “zero tolerance” for the killing of Jews. Nothing could be further from the truth. In2008, Obama’s Department of Justice was accused of voter intimidation, when members of the New Black Panther Party were seen threatening voters in Philadelphia. 

Non-Citizens were caught voting in Ohio in the 2012 Presidential election. In February 2012, 1.8 million dead people were STILL registered to vote.
No, this is sweet justice for the Obama Administration, to categorically take down an outspoken rival. These charges are baseless in the face of obscene corruption by Obama and his fascist minions.
D’Souza first learned he was being investigated in the middle of 2013, several months after 2016 had earned $33 million at the box office and become the second-most-popular political documentary in U.S. history. The film included an interview with Obama’s half-brother, George Obama, who was mildly critical of the president.
Molen says D’Souza is being singled out for “an alleged minor violation” in the same way the IRS reportedly targeted conservative Tea Party groups for retribution. “In light of the recent events and the way the IRS has been used to stifle dissent, this arrest should send shivers down the spines of all freedom-loving Americans,” Molen says.
The timing is everything. D’Souza’s film earned $33 million dollars at the box office, and Obama was the subject of the movie. President Obama is using his office to take out his opponents; those who would dare speak out against him. Free speech is but a myth for conservatives in Obama’s America.
This is Obama’s America that Dinesh D’Souza warned the public about, but the sheeple chose not to heed the warnings. A tyrant and vicious dictator is using his power to wage war against his enemies, and when he is through with America, the landscape might not ever be the same.

Farm Bill that's not really a Farm Bill.

Strassel: So God Made a Farm Bill  (WSJ columnist)

A famous speech and superbowl ad about those who toil in the fields gets an update.

By    - Jan. 30, 2014 6:49 p.m. ETcat
(With apologies to the late radio great Paul Harvey. )
And on the eighth day, God looked down on his planned paradise and said, "I need a caretaker." So God made a farmer.
God said, "I need somebody willing to get up before dawn, milk cows, work all day in the fields, milk cows again, and then go to Washington and claim that this particular type of hard work is somehow unique in America and ought to be underwritten by the rest of the nation. I need a willing audience for that plea—a group clever enough and self-serving enough to see the electoral profit of standing for Carhartts, wheat fields and John Deere tractors." So God made a Congress.
He said, "I need somebody in that Congress savvy enough to realize that farming means food, and food means nutrition, and nutrition means good things to voters, so farming means food stamps. Somebody to call to make that assistance bigger and forever, tame howls over soaring deficits, and plant the seeds of perpetual votes. Somebody to threaten to label anybody pushing for reform as rich, cruel and downright hateful of happy, cornfed children playing in hay lofts—and mean it." So God made a Democratic Party.
God said, "I need somebody willing to spend five long years complaining about overspending, big government and special-interest giveaways. And get up and vote for $1 trillion in overspending, bigger government and special-interest giveaways—in the name of farmers. Then—when reminded of his reform promises—dry his eyes and say, 'Maybe next year.' I need somebody to fret about drought, wax about food security, and muse (in private) that heedless government shutdowns really do have consequences. Including pressuring parties to prove they can accomplish something by voting for 949-page spending extravaganzas that nobody has bothered to read. Somebody willing to put in 40 hours spinning excuses for abandoning his principles and then, pained from the camera lights, put in 70 hours more." So God made Republicans.                                    
God had to have Democrats and Republicans willing to cast aside their differences in the name of handouts, and bale a legislative vehicle together with the strong bonds of self-interest. A vehicle that would combine food stamps and farm pork and thereby guarantee a coalition so powerful that it could mow over procedural ruts, race ahead of political rain and hogtie pesky opponents. A vehicle so unstoppable that its creators would laugh and then sigh, and then reply, with smiling eyes, when the reformers vowed change: "Good luck, suckers." So God made a farm bill.
God said: "I need somebody mighty enough to divert money to those who need it least, yet sneaky enough to do it behind closed doors. I need somebody to wheedle, deal, logroll, beg, trade, and cajole subsidy checks for corporate agribusiness, sushi rice, catfish, Christmas-tree promotion boards, biorefineries and at least 15 sitting members of Congress. Somebody to make sure there are no caps on subsidies and no asset tests for food stamps. Somebody in a nice suit. Somebody who has never been on a farm." So God made lobbyists.
He said, "I need somebody or something to help patriotic Americans forget that 80% of that 'farm' bill is going to welfare, and most of the rest to sugar barons and cotton kings who vacation in Mallorca. Somebody or something to ensure people don't get to wondering why it is we have a 'farm' bill when we don't have a 'laptop' bill, or a 'vampire-novel' bill or a 'swing-set' bill in this free-market economy that Americans supposedly prize. Somebody or something who will so inspire the public with homespun images of clapboard churches and cows, leathery men holding rope, sheepdogs, plaid shirts, cowboy hats, and American flags that folks will entirely fail to realize that the people pictured—the hardworking souls tilling the back 40—are these days the last to see a dime of farm-bill money." So God made Ram pickup trucks and Super Bowl commercials.
Finally, God looked down on all he'd created and He said: "Now I need somebody who really will work hard. Somebody who'll get up day in and day out to plow through traffic to work, come home to help the kids and make the dinner and do the laundry, and struggle with the bills, and get up to do it all over again. "Somebody who will limit himself to dreaming about that Ram pickup truck he can't afford—because the IRS bill is due, and because the government-inflated cost of groceries and gas sure do make things tight, and because his own small business, which he built with his own sweat, doesn't qualify for any handouts. I need somebody to spend his life paying for this week's farm extravaganza, somebody who Congress made sure had no damn choice in the matter."
So God made a taxpayer.