Sunday, October 6, 2013

The One National Park That Remains Open

The One National Park That Remains Open

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Golf Course
Going into the second week of the Government shutdown, most facilities operated by the federal government have been closed. Crime scene tape, “barrycades,” and various other signs of closure can be seen from coast to coast. There is one national park that remains open: Barack Obama’s favorite golf course.  That’s right, Andrew’s Air Force Base Golf Course, remains open.
After all, the President’s golf avocation is of vital importance to the operation of the United States, right?
As a fiscal note, the operation of golf greens is not as cheap as one might think. According to the Professional Golf Association, the US government spends an average of  $384,000 – $1,000,000 per year on every golf course it owns. The federal government  owns 234 courses around the world; that is about  $140 million per year on this form of recreation.
While the President’s favorite course remains open, grocery stores on Army bases in the U.S. are closed. In fact, there seems to be no logic to what is kept open and what is not. Things that cost the government no money, such as the Army Navy game which is paid for by private funds, was canceled. FDA drug tests continue, but the National Institute of Health which treats cancer patients  is shut down.  The Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corp. is open, while 3,000 safety inspectors employed by the Federal Aviation Administration are off the job.
Andrews Golf course staying open highlights the Administration’s desire to inflict the maximum pain on the American people.  Previously Free Patriot reported that Obama has shut down, or attempted to shut down several places. Among those include George Washington’s home Mount Vernon, which is privately owned,  the Atlantic Ocean and Mount Rushmore.

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