CBS: White House Faces 'Credibility Death Spiral' Over ObamaCare
While the website is certainly emblematic of the Obama administration’s dysfunction, it is only so damaging from a public relations standpoint because the mainstream media can’t easily hide it or blame Republicans for it.
CBS’ political director John Dickerson called the ObamaCare program a “political black eye” and a “total fiasco” that threatens the Obama administration with a “credibility death spiral.” Dickerson then agreed with conservative critics that many charges about ObamaCare being sold on false promises actually have merit to them.
The website represents a very personal interaction between the citizens and ‘their’ government; and unsurprisingly, the manner that is was set up was not only unjustifiably expensive, it is intrusive and unwieldy. The website represents more than what the Democrat Party lets on; it is characteristic of the kind of bureaucratic mess and inefficiency one gets when governments start monopolizing one-sixth of the economy, especially one with over 300 million citizens, and in one of the most sensitive spheres of human life to boot: healthcare.
This is why conservatives opposed the government takeover of healthcare all along: the impersonal bureaucratic middle-man forcibly inserted between patients and doctors will only increase inefficiency and costs, which will have to be cut in non-monetary fashion: in terms of medical treatment, and potentially, human lives as wait times increase and doctors flee the field in frustration.
Furthermore, ObamaCare has been widely reported as being nearly a scratch in terms of adding people to the insurance rolls over the next decade, since 31 million still won’t be insured; making the program at best a destructive exercise in masochistic governance in vain pursuit of attaining the reality-defying aims of the political class.
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