There is nothing to stop the House from immediately DEFUNDING Obamacare in total, Ryan, given that Obamacare is Comrade Obama's primary tool for destroying a free America.
Here's an open letter to you, and your GOP colleagues in the House and Senate.
As a Catholic Vietnam War Navy Veteran, a retired member of the research faculty of Penn State I find it appalling that our elected representatives in Congress and in the senate are going out of their way to work with someone who couldn't care less about an America that he was weaned on a hatred for by his communist mentors which is well documented.
FYI, GOP in the House and Senate, you were elected to stop Obama in his tracks with the power that was given to the House in 2010 to do so by an angry electorate to include Military veterans like myself that do not want to see the deaths of all those who fell in America's wars throughout history to secure our God-given unalienable rights of The Declaration of Independence to have been rendered in vain by a communist despot masquerading as an American.
I mean just how long is it going to take before the truth sinks in that Obama couldn't care less about jobs being that he's the greatest job destroyer in American history in favor of putting everyone on his all-encompassing government dole whereby there will only two classes, post Obama's class warfare vilifying the rich, i.e., the ruling politburo and the serfs dependent upon same for their miserable existence?
Obama promotes a culture of death by trashing the freedom of religion rights of people of faith and right reason via the unconstitutional abomination that is Obamacare which McConnell and Boehner promised would be DEFUNDED after Roberts' judicial treachery that gave it life, a promise that turned out to be the biggest political betrayal of trust that the American people had in their leaders in the history of The Republic.
For the love of God, GOP in the House and Senate, how can you or anyone on Capitol Hill justify working with such a tyrant who demands that Catholics compromise their faith by supporting the baby killing in the womb of Obamacare, the incentivizing of seniors' doctors to get grandpa and grandma to check out early via a 15 member group of medical nonprofessionals who will deem not what health care they need, but what they will be mercifully allowed, and the corruption of our military by the forced acceptance of sexual perversion that has been proven changeable and physically, psychologically, socially, and economically ruinous, let alone the spiritual questions involved, thereby trashing the freedom of religion rights of the Chaplain Corps, and all whom they serve, and finally, the complete destruction of America's proven efficient energy industry along with the millions of jobs it supports due to the forced buying into the lies of the Gore Green Goblins which have been long since abandoned by sane countries who want their economies and monetary systems to survive, not collapse under an increasingly unsustainable skyrocketing debt taking into account that we're talking about 100 Trillion of unfunded entitlements along with that debt?
And what about our National Security that has been trashed by the unconscionable use of it in the sequester that McConnell and Boehner agreed to which is going to hollow out our Military at a time when our enemies, Obama's friends, are arming to the teeth, given Obama's support of the pro-radical jihadist anti-American Muslim Brotherhood takeover of the Middle East, and giving away the farm to the former soviets who still are in arms negotiations by de facto unilaterally disarming in the face of an increasing threat of a world war by our enemies who know a gift when they see one in Obama and, accordingly, are going to be tempted to strike while the iron is hot.
Didn't it bother you, that Obama hung out to dry four Americans in Benghazi with no needed security in the face of warnings that more was needed, and no help when they asked for same by a traitor who told a Navy SEAL to STAND DOWN turning the American military dictum of "leaving no one behind" to "you're on your own"?
Do you and your colleagues care so little for the future of my children and grandchildren, and future generations of Americans, not Communists, who will be fortunate enough to survive the likes of Obama's abortuaries to actually believe that such a man can be dealt with as if he cared about an America that he despises, given the damage that he's done since he's been in office to the tune of 90,000,000 people leaving the workforce which has become the workfarce under him?
GOP in the House and Senate, I put it to you, that our country is on the brink of the greatest threat to it since the Revolution. And we need people to fight for us in Washington for the sake of an America fit to live in for future generations, not a Marxist Socialist nightmare straight from the bowels of hell by someone whose modus operandi is to continuously trash the "laws of nature, and natures' God" of The Preamble to the DOI that the founding fathers deemed the obedience to was necessary for America's survival calling upon the protection of Divine Providence for the DOI's support.
You were sent to Washington to do that, FYI. So please care enough for that America fit to live in to do so and stop giving us worthless words with NO ACTION which de facto make you nothing more than enablers of a communist who's destroying America from within!
FYI, GOP in the House and Senate, you were elected to stop Obama in his tracks with the power that was given to the House in 2010 to do so by an angry electorate to include Military veterans like myself that do not want to see the deaths of all those who fell in America's wars throughout history to secure our God-given unalienable rights of The Declaration of Independence to have been rendered in vain by a communist despot masquerading as an American.
I mean just how long is it going to take before the truth sinks in that Obama couldn't care less about jobs being that he's the greatest job destroyer in American history in favor of putting everyone on his all-encompassing government dole whereby there will only two classes, post Obama's class warfare vilifying the rich, i.e., the ruling politburo and the serfs dependent upon same for their miserable existence?
Obama promotes a culture of death by trashing the freedom of religion rights of people of faith and right reason via the unconstitutional abomination that is Obamacare which McConnell and Boehner promised would be DEFUNDED after Roberts' judicial treachery that gave it life, a promise that turned out to be the biggest political betrayal of trust that the American people had in their leaders in the history of The Republic.
For the love of God, GOP in the House and Senate, how can you or anyone on Capitol Hill justify working with such a tyrant who demands that Catholics compromise their faith by supporting the baby killing in the womb of Obamacare, the incentivizing of seniors' doctors to get grandpa and grandma to check out early via a 15 member group of medical nonprofessionals who will deem not what health care they need, but what they will be mercifully allowed, and the corruption of our military by the forced acceptance of sexual perversion that has been proven changeable and physically, psychologically, socially, and economically ruinous, let alone the spiritual questions involved, thereby trashing the freedom of religion rights of the Chaplain Corps, and all whom they serve, and finally, the complete destruction of America's proven efficient energy industry along with the millions of jobs it supports due to the forced buying into the lies of the Gore Green Goblins which have been long since abandoned by sane countries who want their economies and monetary systems to survive, not collapse under an increasingly unsustainable skyrocketing debt taking into account that we're talking about 100 Trillion of unfunded entitlements along with that debt?
And what about our National Security that has been trashed by the unconscionable use of it in the sequester that McConnell and Boehner agreed to which is going to hollow out our Military at a time when our enemies, Obama's friends, are arming to the teeth, given Obama's support of the pro-radical jihadist anti-American Muslim Brotherhood takeover of the Middle East, and giving away the farm to the former soviets who still are in arms negotiations by de facto unilaterally disarming in the face of an increasing threat of a world war by our enemies who know a gift when they see one in Obama and, accordingly, are going to be tempted to strike while the iron is hot.
Didn't it bother you, that Obama hung out to dry four Americans in Benghazi with no needed security in the face of warnings that more was needed, and no help when they asked for same by a traitor who told a Navy SEAL to STAND DOWN turning the American military dictum of "leaving no one behind" to "you're on your own"?
Do you and your colleagues care so little for the future of my children and grandchildren, and future generations of Americans, not Communists, who will be fortunate enough to survive the likes of Obama's abortuaries to actually believe that such a man can be dealt with as if he cared about an America that he despises, given the damage that he's done since he's been in office to the tune of 90,000,000 people leaving the workforce which has become the workfarce under him?
GOP in the House and Senate, I put it to you, that our country is on the brink of the greatest threat to it since the Revolution. And we need people to fight for us in Washington for the sake of an America fit to live in for future generations, not a Marxist Socialist nightmare straight from the bowels of hell by someone whose modus operandi is to continuously trash the "laws of nature, and natures' God" of The Preamble to the DOI that the founding fathers deemed the obedience to was necessary for America's survival calling upon the protection of Divine Providence for the DOI's support.
You were sent to Washington to do that, FYI. So please care enough for that America fit to live in to do so and stop giving us worthless words with NO ACTION which de facto make you nothing more than enablers of a communist who's destroying America from within!
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