Saturday, January 18, 2014

Food Stamps.

Guess What Group is Getting Food Stamps at an Alarming Rate

Food stamp rolls have been growing rapidly. But what many may not realize is that participation among able-bodied adults without dependents (ABAWDs) has been skyrocketing compared to the total number of participants. That’s just one reason Congress should reform the food stamp program in the farm bill now under consideration. In just four years, the number of able-bodied adults without dependents (ABAWDs) on the food stamp rolls skyrocketed by over 2 million. While overall food stamp use grew by 53 percent between Fiscal Year 2007 and Fiscal Year 2010 (from about 26 million to nearly 40 million), it more than doubled among able-bodied adults without dependents during this time–from 1.7 million to 3.9 million–an increase of  roughly 127 percent.  Food stamp spending today is roughly $80 billion, double what it was in Fiscal Year 2008.
Going forward, food stamp policy should ensure that resources are going to those most in need — particularly at a time when budgets are tight for so many Americans Able-bodied recipients should be encouraged to work. This way, help is available to those who truly need it, while at the same time individuals are encouraged to do what they can to help themselves.
Congress has the opportunity now to reform food stamps as policymakers debate the farm bill. The House’s current proposal makes some steps towards encouraging work, but it is yet to be seen whether the House will maintain the work component of their proposal, or if they will fold on this important matter.
While the recession no doubt plays into the increases in food stamp participation, policy loopholes have opened the doors to boost growth as well In his 2009 stimulus bill, Obama allowed states to waive the modest ABAWD work provision (which says that after 3 months ABAWDs must work or perform some type of work activity for 20 hours per week to remain on food stamps).
With the work waivers in place, ABAWDs can stay on food stamps for an unlimited amount of time without working or preparing for work. Without a work requirement  it is difficult to ensure food stamps are not going to those who could otherwise work.  A work requirement acts as a gatekeeper: those who really need assistance can still get it, while those who may not really need it will be deterred, thus targeting resources to the truly needy. It also encourages individuals to move towards work, and it can provide job training and other employment help.
Self-sufficiency for able-bodied adults should be the goal of any sound welfare policy. Unfortunately, most of the government’s 80-plus welfare programs–including food stamps–aren’t focused in this direction.
Helping those in need means helping them rise above government dependence. Unfortunately, self-sufficiency seems to be kicked to the bottom of the list all too often when it comes to reforming the nation’s broken welfare system. It’s time for Congress to realize that helping individuals means a hand-up, not merely a handout.
Posted in CultureFront Page [slideshow_deploy]

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Explosive Benghazi!

Explosive Top Secret Benghazi Testimony Contradicts Obama, Clinton, Rice

There was never any doubt at the Pentagon, we learned this week. The country’s top military commanders clearly understood the assault on the U.S. diplomatic facility in Benghazi, Libya, was a terrorist attack from the moment the first reports came in, just 15 minutes after the assault began on September 11, 2012.
Over 450 pages of testimony given at nine closed-door hearings in the House Armed Services Committee were unclassified this month. This testimony indicates beyond any doubt that the narrative of the Benghazi tragedy was changed within the White House. The question remains why and by whom.
Recall that the day after the attack the White House pointed to an offensive anti-Muslim video as the root cause of the assault that took the lives of Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans. This narrative was unveiled on September 12 at a Rose Garden press conference by President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton—moments before the President boarded Air Force One for a star-studded fundraising event in Las Vegas.
The same narrative was later repeated by Obama at the United Nations, on ABC’s The View, and at Andrews Air Force Base in front of stricken family members of the fallen Americans. It was repeated six times on national Sunday television by U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice and countless times by White House Press Secretary Jay Carney.
Yet, testimony given by General Carter Ham, who at the time of the attack was head of the AFRICOM Command, paints a very different picture. When attackers overran the Benghazi consulate on September 11, Ham immediately informed Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Martin Dempsey. Panetta and Dempsey subsequently headed to the White House for a 5:00 p.m. national security briefing with Obama, where they would brief him on the situation.
Under pointed questioning by Representative Brad Wenstrup (R–OH), Ham admitted that he discussed the likelihood of terrorism with Panetta and Dempsey, moments before they saw the President:
Wenstrup: “As a military person, I am concerned that someone in the military would be advising that this was a demonstration. I would hope that our military leadership would be advising that this was a terrorist attack.”
Ham: “Again, sir, I think, you know, there was some preliminary discussion about, you know, maybe there was a demonstration. But I think at the command, I personally and I think the command very quickly got to the point that this was not a demonstration, this was a terrorist attack.”
Wenstrup: “And you would have advised as such if asked. Would that be correct?”
Ham: “Well, and with General Dempsey and Secretary Panetta, that is the nature of the conversation we had, yes, sir.”
Demonstration or terrorism? “What difference, at this point, does it make?” Clinton famously hissed during a Senate hearing in January 2013. Well, the difference is important because the same White House that declared victory in the war against terrorism and pulled U.S. military assets out of Libya, also failed miserably to take responsibility for its own miscalculation.
As a result, there was no attempted military rescue or response, and false information was peddled to the American people to shift the blame. Every step of the way, the White House’s response to Benghazi has been appalling.
From the Pentagon to the CIA to the State Department, it was clear that an outpost of the United States had been attacked by terrorists. But the White House chose—for its own reasons—to turn a blind eye.
Posted in Front PageInternational [slideshow_deploy]

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Boys of Benghazi

           We're the battling boys of Benghazi
           No fame, no glory, no paparazzi.
           Just a fiery death in a blazing hell
           Defending our country we loved so well.
           It wasn't our job, but we answered the call,
           fought to the Consulate and scaled the wall.
           We pulled twenty Countrymen from the jaws of fate
           Led them to safety, and stood at the gate.
           Just the two of us, and foes by the score,
           But we stood fast to bar the door.
           Three calls for reinforcement, but all were denied,
           So we fought, and we fought, and we fought 'til we died.
           We gave our all for our Uncle Sam,
           But Barack Obama didn't give a damn.
           Just two dead
           SEAL's who carried the load
           No thanks to us.........we were just "Bumps In The Road."

A bump in the road" .... remember that calloused statement? I
don't know the author of this poem. Received it today. Very
thought provoking and poignant. I do recall, however, the
President referring to the Benghazi incident as "a bump in the road." Today I heard an ex-Navy Seal being interviewed on Fox News regarding a book he has written about how to handle crisis
situations in our lives. At the end of the interview he asked if
he could make a comment on Benghazi and of course the anchor said yes. He then thanked Fox News for keeping the Benghazi story in the news, since other news organizations are not. He said the Seals who died deserve the public knowing the truth about the whole affair. The poem was written by a MARINE CORPS Officer (ANON).

Saturday, January 4, 2014

The End!

This One Thing Will Ruin Barack Obama

stansberry-250x157A few big moves stand out in Barack Obama’s Presidency.
  • The $800 billion stimulus plan passed in 2009
  • The $5 trillion in debt accumulation—the most of any President in history
  • The passage of Obamacare… the assassination of Osama Bin Laden… and huge tax increases
But Porter Stansberry – one of the most widely-read financial journalists in America – says these events are nothing compared to the next big surprise that could devastate Obama’s legacy.
Porter is the founder of a financial research firm in Maryland, called Stansberry & Associates Investment Research, and he has agreed to make available a free video presentation that gives you full analysis of this situation.

The End of Obama: A Stansberry & Associates Special Presentation

Over the years, Porter has published research that predicted the collapse of certain companies, and even entire industries.
For example, he accurately described in detail – and well in advance – the collapse of such institutions as GM, Fannie Mae, and Freddie Mac, just to name a few.
More recently, Porter predicted the bankruptcy of Detroit, detailing the collapse of the city with a series of essays dating back to 2009.
Now Porter says there’s a shocking surprise working its way through the Obama administration. In the free video, he reveals how this one event could single-handedly ruin Barack Obama’s Presidency… and perhaps even his entire career.
Even if Porter is only half right, this situation will have a dramatic impact not only on Barack Obama, but also everyone else in this country.
Editor’s Note: For a limited time, Stansberry & Associates is making The End of Obama video presentation available at no charge. We strongly encourage you to check out this important analysis. We believe it will be worth your time, and a real eye-opener.