Yesterday was a big news day.
One of the biggest in years.
The nation had been hit by a terrorist attack just two days before, reports were that a suspect had been identified and might even be close to being arrested.
The mysterious assassinations of two Texas prosecutors had been broken open and the country was just learning that it was neither white supremacists nor Mexican drug lords who had targeted our legal system.
Letters containing a lethal poison had been mailed to both the Congress and the White House. For the first time since the season of terrorism commenced in 2001, a poison attack had been launched in the mails.
And all of this had broken since noon.
So when the White House announced that the president was holding a hurry-up press conference at 5:30, you knew it was big.
The Boston evening briefing had been called off just minutes before it was scheduled to start, presumably out of deference to the president's appearance, and the air was heavy with portent.
Perhaps the president was going to announce an arrest. Possibly he was going to give more information about the deadly letters sent to Washington and whether they were tied to some terrorist plot.
Maybe he had something to say about the evacuations at the Boston courthouse, and at Brigham and Women's.
Maybe it was just an update to the country on where we stood and what we should expect.
But it was none of those things.
As radio stations and television broadcasts across the country went live, the president and his props walked out and it became clear what this was about.
Barack Obama was throwing a fit.
After some comments from a Sandy Hook father who has become an anti-gun campaigner, Barack Obama took the microphone and wore it out for most of a half an hour.
Not a word about Boston.
Not a word about defending the country against terrorism or any success that might have been had in catching whoever was behind an attack on the country just 48 hours before.
It was Obama about Obama.
His big gun-banning initiative had come up empty.
He had taken the horrific murder of 20 young children and their teachers and whored it out to advance his lifelong anti-gun agenda. He used the tears of bereaved mothers to manipulate the political system to get what he wanted.
Only he didn't.
The Senate - controlled by his own party - denied him even the least offensive of his attacks on the Second Amendment.
The legislative process played out and he lost and his reaction was - on a day when there was an abundance of truly significant issues facing the country - to throw a self-centered hissy fit.
He ranted and raved, condemning Congress and the NRA and anyone else he could think of. He raised his voice and there was rage in his eyes and he threatened his foes and tried to rally his supporters.
He called on people to support him and his party and to oppose the Republicans and their supporters.
He was concerned about politics.
While there was still blood on the sidewalk.
While a dozen people were still fighting for their lives.
While a nation was looking for leadership.
Barack Hussein Obama was throwing a fit. Outraged at his political impotence. Indignant that the Congress had not bowed before him.
On the day that a poll said 4 percent of Americans believe gun control is an important issue.
Barack Obama was upset about guns.
So clueless. So out of touch. So focused on what mattered to him, without regard to what mattered to the people.
He had tried to gut a piece of the very Constitution he had sworn to uphold, and it bit him, and he threw a tantrum.
It was like watching a spoiled prince, some inbred and addle-minded scion of entitlement and privilege, raging against a disappointment to his ego.
Last night we saw the real Obama.
The one who doesn't give a damn about anything but himself and his interests.
- by Bob Lonsberry © 2013